2300 N street Development, Washington DC

Livingstones was assigned to produce 2 containers of selective high end Stellar White Marble for the major public areas renovation of 2300 N street in Washington DC. The significant facelift of the Building included the Building entrance and ground floor lobby, elevators, bathrooms and upper floor common areas, and the Building Fitness Facility Some of the cladding dimensions were extremely large that we had to choose specific location from the quarry to produce the relevant block dimensions. Every single piece was inspected one by one to ensure consistency in the areas where the stone would be applied. We look forward to issue photos once the project is completed.
Few words about the background of this project
Lincoln Property Co. (LPC) has purchased 2300 N St. NW in the West End of Washington DC in 2011. Following the termination of 5 years lease by the New York Law Firm Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman, LPC decided to renovate the 25 year old building using at their spacious 2 story lobby and its nearby corridors our stellar bright white marble in relatively big dimensional cut to size stones.
Read more here http://livingstones.gr/projects/2300-n-street